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金雪莹,博士,副教授,20186月获得中国科学技术大学工学博士学位,20186月入职yL23411永利官网登录yL23411永利官网登录。一直从事回音壁模式微腔光子学、飞秒激光与精密测量、超快激光光场调控等方面的研究工作。作为项目负责人承担了国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金、校学术新人提升A计划和B计划等多项科研项目。在Photonics ResearchIEEE Journal of Lightwave TechnologyIEEE Photonics Technology LettersMeasurement Science and TechnologyOptics Express等权威期刊及会议发表相关论文40余篇,授权发明专利多项。







  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目负责人

  3. 安徽省自然科学基金青年基金项目,项目负责人

  4. yL23411永利官网登录学术新人提升计划B项目,项目负责人

  5. 国家重点研发计划项目,项目骨干

  6. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,项目骨干



1. Xueying Jin, Xin Xu, Haoran Gao, Keyi Wang, Haojie Xia, and Liandong Yu, "Controllable two-dimensional Kerr and Raman-Kerr frequency combs in microbottle resonators with selectable dispersion," Photonics Research 9, 171-180 (2021).

2. Xueying Jin, Yu Yang, Xin Xu, Keyi Wang, Liandong Yu, and Haojie Xia, "Broadband Manipulation of Stokes Raman Frequency Combs Via Mode Division Multiplexing in Optical Microcavities," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology 40, 5141-5151 (2022).

3. Qinglin Fang, Haojie Xia, Mingjie Jiao, Feifan Xu and Xueying Jin*, "Stability Analysis of Localized States and Deterministic Single Soliton Generation in a Kerr Microresonator Under Thermo-Optic Nonlinear Effects," IEEE Photonics Journal 16, 1-11 (2024).

4. Xueying Jin, Qinglin Fang, Xin Xu, Yu Yang, Haoran Gao, and Haojie Xia, "Transverse mode interaction-induced Raman laser switching dynamics in a silica rod microresonator," Chinese Optics Letters 21, 031407 (2023).

5. 许凡, 赵妍, 吴宇航, 王文驰, and 金雪莹*, "高阶色散下双耦合微腔中克尔光频梳的稳定性和非线性动力学分析," 物理学报 71, 15 (2022).

6. Xueying Jin, Huiting Liu, Xin Xu, Rui Zhang, and Haojie Xia, "Dynamic Fano resonance and enhanced harmful gas measurement sensitivity in a universal multimode waveguide-microcavity model," Optical Engineering 61 (2022).

7. Xueying Jin, Xin Xu, Yang Lu, Haoran Gao, and Liandong Yu, "Stability Analysis and Transient Attraction Dynamics of Flat-Top Solitons via Modulated Driving Fields in Normal Dispersion Microcavity," IEEE Photonics Journal 12 (2020).

8. Xueying Jin, Mengyu Wang, Keyi Wang, Yongchao Dong, and Liandong Yu, "High spectral purity electromagnetically induced transparency-based microwave optoelectronic oscillator with a quasi-cylindrical microcavity," Optics Express 27, 150-165 (2019).

9. Xueying Jin, Keyi Wang, Yongchao Dong, Mengyu Wang, Haoran Gao, and Liandong Yu, "Multiple-channel dynamic bandpass filter via radiation modes-assisted transparency in a side-coupled SNAP microcavity," Applied Physics Express 12 (2019).

10. Xueying Jin, Jing Wang, Mengyu Wang, Yongchao Dong, Fei Li, and Keyi Wang, "Dispersion engineering of a microsphere via multi-layer coating," Applied Optics 56, 8023-8028 (2017).

11. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, and Keyi Wang, "Stable controlling of electromagnetically induced transparency-like in a single quasi-cylindrical microresonator," Optics Express 24, 29773-29780 (2016).

12. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, Keyi Wang, and Huijie Jian, "Selective excitation and probing of axial modes in a microcylindrical resonator for robust filter," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 28, 1649-1652 (2016).

13. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, and Keyi Wang, "Selective excitation of axial modes in a high-Q microcylindrical resonator for controlled and robust coupling," Applied Optics 54, 8100-8107 (2015).

14. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, and Keyi Wang, "Demonstration and characterization of distributed multiparticle-induced mode splitting in a microsphere resonator," Optics Communications 363, 57-62 (2016).

15. Xueying Jin, Yongchao Dong, and Keyi Wang, "A multi-VCR system for dispersion compensation and tunable group delay," Optics Communications 342, 238-242 (2015).

16. Yu Yang, Xueying Jin*, Shuai Zhao, Lei Zhang, and Keyi Wang, "Kerr comb generation in coaxial MgF2 whispering gallery mode micro-disk resonators," Optik 270 (2022).

17. Xin Xu, Xueying Jin, Haoran Gao, Huichun Ye, Dong Chen, Yang Lu, and Liandong Yu, "Detuning regulation of temporal solitons in a CaF2 microcavity," Journal of Optics 23 (2021).

18. Xin Xu, Xueying Jin, Yang Lu, Haoran Gao, Jie Cheng, and Liandong Yu, "Stability analysis of the optical field and spectrum characteristics inside the dual coupled microcavities," Journal of Optics 22 (2020).

19. 徐昕, 金雪莹*, 高浩然, 程杰, 陆洋, 陈东, and 于连栋, "耦合光学微腔的频率调谐过程分析," 物理学报 (2020).

20. 徐昕, 金雪莹*, 胡晓鸿, and 黄新宁, "光学微腔中倍频光场演化和光谱特性," 物理学报 69, 13 (2020).

21. Xin Xu, Huichun Ye, Xueying Jin, Haoran Gao, Dong Chen, Yang Lu, and Liandong Yu, "Regulation of soliton inside microresonators with multiphoton absorption and free-carrier effects," Optics Express 30, 28997-29006 (2022).

22. Jing Wang, Yang Lu, Xiongxin Sun, Huining Zhao, Xueying Jin, Haoran Gao, and Liandong Yu, "Chirped pulse spectrally resolved interferometry without the direction ambiguity and the dead zone," Optics and Lasers in Engineering 152 (2022).

23. Haoran Gao, Xiefen Long, Xueying Jin, Xin Xu, Yang Lu, Dian Bian, and Liandong Yu, "Highly stabilized delay optical path with a long fiber toward absolute distance measurement," Measurement Science and Technology 33 (2022).

24. Haoran Gao, Xiefen Long, Xueying Jin, Xin Xu, Yang Lu, Huining Zhao, and Liandong Yu, "Absolute distance measurement to coaxial multi-targets based on optical balanced cross-correlation using a single femtosecond laser," Applied Optics 61, 1632-1638 (2022).

25. Haoran Gao, Liandong Yu, Xin Xu, Xueying Jin, et. al, "Correction of the air refractive index using a two-color method for absolute distance measurement without a dead zone," Applied Optics 60, 1241-1249 (2021).



1. 金雪莹,张友奇,杨前程,祁禹坤,张浩翔,谢淋淋,利用机器学习的基于光学微腔的微力传感装置,2023-2-25,中国发明专利,202310164572.2.

2. 金雪莹,于连栋,徐昕,赵会宁,夏致媛,夏豪杰,李维诗,基于电磁诱导透明原理的轻小型光电振荡器及低相位噪声微波信号产生方法,2019-9-4,中国发明专利, CN201910831291.1.


