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姓    名潘巧生
职    称副教授                                
邮    箱panqs@hfut.edu.cn
电    话
  • 个人简历

    潘巧生,yL23411永利官网登录副教授,博导,机械工程学会高级会员,安徽省质量和标准化研究院博士后(已出站)。2016 年 6 月获得中国科学技术大学工学博士学位,获第七届上银优秀机械博士论文奖。目前主要从事精密机械设计,压电精密驱动,精密位移传感与测量等相关方向研究。先后主持承担国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目各1 项、全国博士后科学基金面上项目 1项,安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目 1 项,校级培育项目 4 项,作为骨干参与科技部重点研发计划子课题 1 项,参与基金委国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题 1 项。近年来在 IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Smart Material and Structure, Review of Scientific Instruments, Sensors and actuators A: Physical, Mechatronics 等顶级期刊、国际权威期刊发表 SCI/EI 论文 40 余篇,授权发明专利 15 项。


  • 研究领域

  • 开设课程


  • 科研项目


    国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2022.01-2025.12) 主持

    安徽省重点研发与开发计划 (2021.01-2013.12) 主持

    国家重点研发计划 (2021.11-2023-10) 子课题负责人



    中国博士后科学基金 (2017.05-2019.04)主持


    尺蠖式压电电机开发 (2023.07-2024.06)

    两轴压电位移台结构设计 (2022.01-2022.12)

    缸套缺陷检测系统开发 (2021.01-2022.06)

  • 发表论文


    1.Qiaosheng Pan, Yifang Zhang , Xiaozhu Chen, et al. Development of a novel resonant piezoelectric motor using parallel moving gears mechanism[J]. Mechatronics, 2024, 97: 103097. 

    2.Qiaosheng Pan, Huang Z, Zhao M, et al. Development of a dual-stator piezoelectric motor 

    operated in resonance and quasi-static states[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 

    2023, 183: 109618. (SCI TOP) 

    3.Qiaosheng Pan, Ya Wang, Aode Wan, et al. Development of a novel single-mode miniature standing wave ultrasonic motor[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32(12): 125015.

    4.Qiaosheng Pan, Mingfei Zhao, YifangZhang, et al. Bipedal driven inertial type piezoelectric motor working under quasi-static and resonant states[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023, 32(6): 065017.

    5.Qiaosheng Pan, Ya Wang , Aode Wan, et al. Development of a resonant screw-driven piezoelectric motor operating in single-mode vibration[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2023, 94(6).

    6. Qiaosheng Pan, Mingfei Zhao, Y a Wang, et al. Design, simulation, and motion characteristics of a novel impact piezoelectric actuator using double statorsstators[J]. Smart Materials and  Structures, 2022. (SCI 2 区)

    7.Qiaosheng Pan, Li Y, Diao W, et al. Design and investigation of a resonant piezoelectric pump with high output pressure using a displacement-amplifying vibrator[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31(6): 065023. . (SCI 2 区) 

    8.Zhang Y, Wang X, Liu S, Qiaosheng Pan *. Design of a Piezoelectric Pump Driven by Inertial Force of Vibrator Supported by a Slotted Beam[J]. Machines, 2022, 10(6): 460. (SCI 2 区) (通讯作者) 

    9. Qiaosheng Pan, Jiang H, Zhang Y, et al. Development of a novel valve-based piezoelectric ultrasonic pump using a Langevin vibrator[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2022, 31(6): 065026. (SCI 2 区)

    10.Chen Li, Ruijun Li, Mingfei Zhao, Ya Wang, Yongqing Wei, Qiangxian Huang, Qiaosheng Pan* Development of a high-resolution, high-speed impact piezoelectric actuator using cross

    frequency band method [J] Smart Materials and Structures, 2022 (SCI 2 区) (通讯作者) 

    11.Qiaosheng Pan, Li Y, Wang X, et al. Design and investigation on a piezoelectric screw pump with high flowrate[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021. (SCI 2 区) 

    12.Qiaosheng Pan, Huang Z, Wang Q, et al. Mass transfer from the rotor to the stator for 

    improving the speed of the piezoelectric motor based on centrifugal force[J]. Review of 

    Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92(5): 055008. (SCI) 

    13.Qiaosheng Pan *, H.Y. Jiang, Z.L. Huang, B. Huang, R.J. Li, B. Wang & Z.H. Feng Development of a piezoelectric pump with ball valve structure, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2021: 1045389X21994179. (SCI) 

    14. Qiaosheng Pan *, H.Y. Jiang, Y.H. Li, Q. Wang, B. Huang, R.J. Li & Z.H. Feng Resonant type 

    piezoelectric pump driven at the power frequency using a tuning fork vibrator, International 

    Journal of Acoustics & Vibration, 2020, 25(4). (SCI) 

    15.Qiaosheng Pan,Jinsheng Hu, Enming Miao, Suxin Chen, Shuangbao Shu, Penghao Hu, Bin 

    Huang,Novel piezoelectric rotary motor driven by a single-phase sine wave with an asymmetric 

    stator[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2019, 90(7): 075006. (SCI)

    16.Qiaosheng Pan, Wang K, Zhang L, et al. Resonantly Driven Piezoelectric Pump Working Under a Certain Power Frequency With a Tuning Fork-Type Vibrator[C]//2019 Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications (SPAWDA). IEEE, 2019: 1-5. (EI)

    17. Qiaosheng Pan, Kailun Wang, Enming Miao, Ye Wu, Shuangbao Shu,Xin Xu and Xiujun Lei. Resonant-type piezoelectric inertial linear motor based on the optimization of a dual stage tuning fork transducer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2018, 89: 075002. (SCI) 

    18.Qiaosheng Pan, Enming Miao, Bingxuan Wu, Weikang Chen, Xiujun Lei, Liangguo He. Bio

    inspired piezoelectric linear motor driven by a single-phase harmonic wave with an asymmetric 

    stator. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88(7): 075002. (SCI) 

    19.Qiaosheng Pan, Fangsheng Huang, Jian Chen, Liangguo He, Wei Li,Zhihua Feng*, High-Speed Low-Friction Piezoelectric Motors Based On Centrifugal Force, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017.02.09,64(3):2158-2167 (SCI)

    20.Qiaosheng Pan, Liangguo He, Fangsheng Huang, Xueyan Wang, Zhihua Feng*,Piezoelectric micropump using dual-frequency drive,Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015.6.15, 229:86-93 (SCI) 

    21.Qiaosheng Pan, Qi Zhang, Wang, Hong Bo, Li, Wei, Zhihua Feng*, Piezoelectric linear motor using resonant-type clamping based on harmonic vibration synthesis, Mechatronics, 2014.12.01, 24(8):1112-1119 (SCI) 

    22.Qiaosheng Pan, Liangguo He, Chengliang Pan, Guangjun Xiao,Zhihua Feng, Resonant-type inertia linear motor based on the harmonicvibration synthesis of piezoelectric bending actuator, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 2014.3.1,209:169-174 (SCI)

  • 专著教材

  • 申请专利


    (1) 潘巧生等. 一种非同频双定子驱动压电马达,2021.08.30,中国发明专利, 202111007628.0(已授权) 

    (2) 潘巧生等. 一种大行程二维压电定位台及其加工工艺,2021.08.18,中国发明专利, 202110948467.9 (已授权) 

    (3) 潘巧生等. 一种利用平动齿轮传动的压电电机,2021.02.12, 中国发明专利,CN202011291761.9. (已授权)  

    (4) 潘巧生等.一种用于精密液体传输的压电螺杆泵,2022.07.26 中国发明专利, CN112502965B. (已授权) 

    (5) 潘巧生等. 一种L型骨架覆膜式叶片的压电风扇,2020.11.10, 中国发明专利 ZL201910954809.0. (已授权)  

    (6)  潘巧生等. 一种工作在工频下的谐振式压电泵,2019.08.06, 中国发明专利 ,2019103038889.(已授权) 

    (7)  潘巧生等. 陈杨,王凯伦,一种冲击式压电旋转马达,2018.07.27, 中国发明专利 201810638878.6.(已授权) 

    (8) 潘巧生等. 一种利用轻质球阀的压电驱动泵,2018.01.09. 中国发明专利 ,201810019234.

  • 获奖成果


    2017年 博士论文《基于偏心轮受迫振动的压电马达研究》获得第七届上银优秀机械博士论文奖